Victor Eaves

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4 Spiritual Life Hacks


  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • Self-control
  • Letting Go


1. Prayer

I’m not very religious, in the traditional sense. I do, however, have rituals and routines. Part of my morning and nightly routine consists of meditation (which is what I will get to in a moment), and the other has to do with affirmations or prayer. Although I’m not religious, I grew up with a religion and went to church twice a week until I was old enough to decide not to, and COVID-19 put a nail in that coffin. With this in mind, I do have a biblical background and you might hear my quote a few verses here and there as a reference. In regards to my point about prayer, consider Mathew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Notice how it says, “ask.”

Prayer is nothing more than an affirmation to the I AM self, which is within us all. When the Bible says, “Here O’ Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one.” I believe that the intention behind this is self-explanatory. The Lord is one consciousness, and that one consciousness is experiencing life through all living things. It is this one consciousness, which is called on, through prayer. When we call on this consciousness, through prayer, it is important to understand what it is that we’re praying for. Praying for material possessions, recognition, or anything outside of yourself might be considered fruitless in that it doesn’t go anywhere because you’re coming from a place of lack. The I AM is fulfillment. This is what makes it Good. Evil comes from a place of lack. The lack of money creates jealousy, greed, and thievery. The lack of love creates tension, hatred, fear, and chaos. It is from this place of lack that prayers cannot be answered. But, it is fulfillment in knowing that these prayers have already been answered is when they arrived. But, what kind of prayers am I speaking on? I’m speaking on the prayer of love, wealth, health, and abundance. For these prayers to be answered requires becoming what it is that you want through the law of attraction. Know that that love has been received by becoming a person who loves. Know that wealth has been received by becoming a person who gives — and this doesn’t have to always be cash in hand. This can be a simple smile, a word of encouragement, or friendly advice. Know that abundance has been received by opening your eyes to the endless opportunities that are out there.

Pray for good things to have and know that it has already happened is the first life hack.


2. Meditation

Why do we meditate? Is it to look cool? Is it just to be silent and hum like we’re eventually going to levitate and unlock the secrets to life? Not quite. One might meditate for many different reasons, but the simplest answer for why we meditate is to be still. To still the mind of the constant chatter, constant emotional ups and downs, and the constant thinking. Once we understand how powerful the mind is, we’d pay closer attention to the way we think and feel in our day-to-day life. I made a previous video, titled, “I Saw Birds,” which I recommend after watching this video for a better understanding of the power of the mind. A common analogy used when referring to the mind is that it’s like a monkey that swings from one branch to the next without a clear idea of where it’s going or why it swings where it swings. The branches of this analogy are the thoughts that come up in our lives. Many of which might be what psychologists call, “Intrusive Thoughts” (these are unwanted thoughts, images, impulses, or urges that can occur spontaneously or that can be cured by external/internal stimuli), these thoughts can also be fleeting ideas that we would like to take action on only to be left behind for another branch that looks more appealing.

Meditation helps train the mind to focus on what it is that you want. This focus, by the way, is not limited to an idea, it might also include a picture or a feeling. I believe that it is our emotion that communicates with the universe. Like a signal, we send out these vibes into the universe only for them to be returned to us through things, events, places, people, and situations. For example, if you stub your toe in the morning and are focused on the pain, more painful things may manifest throughout your day, such as sitting in traffic and being late for work. However, by focusing on peace, through meditation, that peaceful experience may manifest in different ways throughout your day without any external effort from you.

Meditating on what you wish to experience is the second life hack.


3. Self-control

If you’ve been following my channel, you’ve probably heard me talk about NoFap quite a bit. Self-control has a lot to do with this as it is through NoFap that I have the creative energy and willpower to present this video to you now. NoFap, as fairly new as the term may be, has been practiced for thousands of years. Ancient philosophers used to speak on the power of semen retention and allowing it to build up. To orgasm is to waste this energy.

However, this practice doesn’t come without its objections. Another might argue that orgasms reduce prostate cancer and that it is completely normal to orgasm every other day. While orgasming might seem harmless, at first, its long-term effects go much deeper than we might realize. After more than a month of practicing self-control and withstanding sex, porn, drugs, and other forms of unhealthy practices, I’ve been more driven, less anxious, and more confident in myself. I have started to become more of the person I really am than the shell of who think I am.

It is through this self-control that I feel like I am able to allow myself to charge to activate my superpowers. Self-control, my friends, is the third life hack.


4. Letting Go

Sometimes you got to just let things go, and — as the church folks say — let God. Sometimes I hate to use the word, “God” because it comes with connotations, often negative ones — for the people who had bad experiences with religion. But, when I use the term God, I’m referring to the I AM presence in all things. Some might call it “The Universe,” others might call it, “Allah,” or “Yahweh.” Whichever it is that you choose to refer to this being as, this is what I mean, when I use the word, “God.”

What do I mean by letting go and letting God? I simply mean to let go of your worries. Let go of your dreams. Let go of any expectations. Just, let go. One of the ways I was able to be successful with NoFap as long as I have is because I simply let go of my addiction. I knew that God was smarter than more and that I was powerless to overcome this addiction on my own and so I prayed and asked God to take the addiction away from me. As I did, I visualized God’s giant hand in front of me and was as a basket that I could set all my troubles inside only to be lifted from me and away, by something greater than myself. And, you know what? Ever since then, I had not been on a porn site.

Addiction, expectations, and dreams can turn us into someone we don’t quite recognize… and when we partake in it for too long, we can confuse it for our identity. But, how do you know when you’re lost and might need help? You will know by how you feel. There’s an internal compass inside all of us that points us in a particular direction. Does your path fulfill you? Does your path give you life or take it away? Only you know the answer to this question.

Let go is the fourth spiritual life hack that I recommend to you on your journey through life. I hope this helps, as it has helped me.